Problem while starting the OPENIFCTOOLS Viewer with Mac OS X using Java Web Start

The OPEN IFC TOOLS Viewer requires Java3D version 1.5. and Java JRE 1.6. If you are using Mac OS X, it is possible that an older version of Java3D is already installed. For an unknown reason, Mac OS X ignores a newer Version of Java3D that is delivered with the provided Java Web Start. In this case, you have to fix this problem on your local machine manually!

  1. Login as root

  2. Go to the following directory: "System/Library/Java/Extensions"

  3. Delete these files (if present): j3daudio.jar, j3dcore.jar, j3dutils.jar, vecmath.jar, libJ3D.jnilib, libJ3DAudio.jnlib, libJ3DUtils.jnilib

  4. Now the OPEN IFC TOOLS Viewer Web Start should load automatically the right Java3D libraries from the web

  Option 1: Delete the old Java3D files (recommended)

There are two options to fix the problem:

  Option 2: Install the latest version of Java3D (Only necessary if you need an installed version on your local machine!)
  1. Login as root

  2. Delete the old Java3D files (see option 1)

  3. Download the latest Java3D and JOGL files:

        Java3D API:

  1. j3dcore.jar

  2. j3dutils.jar

  3. vecmath.jar

        Java Bindings for OpenGL (JOGL):

  1. jogl.jar

  2. gluegen-rt.jar

              native files i386 and x86_64 architecture:

  1. jogl-natives-macosx-universal.jar

  2. gluegen-rt-natives-macosx-universal.jar

               native files ppc architecture:

  1. jogl-natives-macosx-ppc.jar

  2. gluegen-rt-natives-macosx-ppc.jar

  3. Extract the native JAR-files, using a file archive program (e.g. the default ZIP built-in) into  a temporary directory

  4. Go To the following directory: "System/Library/Java/Extensions"

  5. Copy the downloaded Java3D and JOGL files as well as the extracted native files from your temporary directory  into this system folder. The files to copy are: j3dcore.jar, j3dutils.jar, vecmath.jar, gluegen-rt.jar, jogl.jar, libgluegen-rt.jnilib, libjogl.jnilib, libjogl_awt.jnilib, libjogl_cg.jnilib

  6. Now the OPEN IFC TOOLS Viewer Java Web Start should use the installed Java3D libraries from your local machine